Our Toys for Tots campaign is in full effect! We are not only accepting new & unwrapped toys and monetary donations, but also we are matching every donation received!
For every toy or dollar you donate, you will receive an entry into our Grand Prize Raffle!! So bring in those donations today!
Saturday, December 2nd: We will be at the Joyful Traditions food tent from 6-8 PM
Sunday, December 10th: Dining Room will be CLOSED for a private event
Wednesday, December 13th: Dine & Donate for Jefferson Middle School
Friday, December 14th: Cut off date for Christmas Eve orders & payment and last day of collections for Toys for Tots
Sunday, December 24th: Open from Noon-6 PM(last order at 5 PM, dining room will be closed)
Monday, December 25th: CLOSED for the Holiday
Tuesday, December 26th: Live raffle for toys for tots
Sunday, December 31st: Open from Noon -8 PM dining room will be open from 12-8 PM
Monday, January 1st: Open from 3-10 PM dining room will be open from 4-9 PM
**December 31st will be the last Sunday in the regular football season, January 7th we will resume normal Sunday business hours**